translation: Pushcart Classroom
Apparel Design • Graphic Design • Branding • UX Design
Kariton Klasrum is an initiative to teach children in impoverished areas in the Philippines in order to put them back into the formal education system. This project aims to create an overall branding for various assets of this project.
Client: For Class, Advanced Typography
Note: Hypothetical, for class. I do not own any of the photographs utilized in this project
There were four distinct pieces for this project. The first piece being signage for the carts, the second being a whiteboard and schedule, a sustainable alternative to using notebooks, a backpack for each of the children, and a donor and volunteer facing website for the cause.
The color palette matches the colors of the Philippine colors and the primary colors to tie into that younger audience. In addition, the use of san serif fonts creates readability from a distance, but a more contemporary font choice was utilized to maintain that fun and youthful energy. Lastly, the use of flags, known as banderitas, were used to create and tie into a fun environment for children to enjoy learning.